Why You Shouldn't Ignore Whiplash Pain in Jacksonville FL

The word whiplash in pop culture may be entertaining, but when it pops up as a diagnosis, it's no fun. You may be tempted to ignore it and let it resolve on its own - and it might. But left unchecked, it could get worse and lead to further complications.
At Advanced Medical Centers in Jacksonville, Florida, our multidisciplinary team of medical experts, including chiropractors, physical therapists, and regenerative medicine specialists, can evaluate your symptoms of whiplash in Jacksonville FL and let you know the best course of treatment to prevent complications and unnecessary pain.
Whiplash 101 in Jacksonville FL
Most people associate whiplash with car accidents, and for a good reason: about 3 million people suffer from it every year after a collision. But car crashes aren't the only causes of whiplash. You can also get it from being physically abused, from a sports injury, horseback riding injuries, roller coasters, or any other traumatic incident.
Babies are particularly prone to whiplash because their necks are weak and still developing. Never shake a baby to get them to stop crying.
Anything that makes your head and neck snap forward and back violently can result in whiplash, injuring the muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and vertebrae in your neck.
What to Look For
You may not realize you have whiplash right away. Some injuries you sustain in an accident are delayed, and whiplash is often one of them.
A day or two after your accident or injury, you may start to feel pain and stiffness in your neck. You may also notice:
- Limited range of motion
- Headaches
- Lightheadedness
- Fatigue
- Tingling
- Numbness
- Progressively worse pain
- Pain spreading to your shoulders and back
When to Seek Medical Attention For Your Whiplash
Often, whiplash will go away on its own. Many people report mild symptoms that last only a few weeks. But many people continue to experience symptoms for months, and even years. In fact, 45% of people who suffer from chronic neck pain say it all started with whiplash.
If you've had an accident or were involved in a violent episode, we recommend that you come in and see us for a thorough exam, even if you're not feeling any pain - yet. Our team specializes in diagnosing and treating whiplash and other injuries with a comprehensive approach that ensures you get the most accurate and effective care available.
But if you still decide to wait, here are a few symptoms that indicate your whiplash has worsened or is something more serious:
- Vision changes
- Ringing in the ears
- Depression
- Moodiness
- Difficulty sleeping
- Memory and concentration problems
- Swallowing problems
Any of these symptoms mean you should make an appointment right away to make sure you haven't sustained brain damage or other injuries that need immediate treatment.
Treating Your Whiplash
When you come to us with whiplash, our team completes a thorough evaluation of your condition and offers a combination of treatments developed for your unique set of symptoms. This may involve:
- Chiropractic care
- Physical therapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Ultrasound therapy
These approaches are each designed to help reduce inflammation and pain and restore your function and mobility.
If you suspect whiplash, give us a call at one of our two Jacksonville locations to get started on the road to recovery today.